10 Javelina-Resistant Plants for Arizona Backyard Landscaping
10 Javelina-Resistant Plants for Arizona Backyard Landscaping
Landscaping in Arizona is rewarding but comes with its unique set of challenges, including wildlife like javelinas that may disrupt your garden. Javelinas are known for their love for soft, delicate plants, which can be frustrating for homeowners.
However, with careful plant selection, you can create a beautiful and javelina-resistant backyard landscape. In this article, we'll explore ten plants that thrive in Arizona and are less appealing to javelinas.
Javelina-Resistant Plants to Incorporate in Your Desert Landscape
1. Agave (Agave spp.)
Agaves are desert-adapted succulents that are both hardy and visually striking. Javelinas tend to avoid these plants due to their tough, spiky leaves.
2. Texas Sage (Leucophyllum spp.)
Texas Sage, also known as Texas Ranger or Purple Sage, is a drought-tolerant shrub with aromatic leaves and showy purple flowers. Javelinas typically avoid these plants.
3. Red Yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora)
Red Yucca is a striking, low-maintenance plant that produces tall spikes of red or coral-colored tubular flowers. Javelinas are generally deterred by this plant’s tough, leathery leaves.
4. Ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens)
Ocotillo is known for its slender, thorny branches and vibrant red flowers. Its formidable spines make it unattractive to javelinas.
5. Penstemon (Penstemon spp.)
Penstemons are drought-tolerant perennials with tubular, brightly colored flowers. These plants are less likely to attract javelinas than other desert plants.
6. Desert Marigold (Baileya multiradiata)
Desert Marigold is a low-growing perennial with cheerful yellow daisy-like flowers. Its pungent aroma is sure to deter javelinas.
7. Baja Fairyduster (Calliandra californica)
This is a woody-stemmed shrub with small thorns. Extremely drought tolerant, it contains little moisture or scent to attract more than hummingbirds.
8. Creosote Bush (Larrea tridentata)
Creosote Bush is a common native plant known for its aromatic leaves. Its strong scent helps repel javelinas.
9. Fountain Grass (Pennisetum setaceum)
Fountain Grass adds an ornamental touch to your landscape with its graceful, arching plumes of feathery flowers. However, javelinas generally avoid this plant, making it a great addition to your javelina-proof landscape.
10. Trailing Indigo Bush (Dalea greggii)
This is an attractive, fast-growing perennial with numerous fine stems that root along the ground as they grow. The rooted stems create a dense cover that may completely cover the surface of the soil, discouraging investigation and digging by javelina.
Create a Javelina-Resistant Landscape with Wildflower Desert Design
Creating a beautiful and javelina-resistant backyard landscape in Arizona is possible with careful plant selection. These ten plant options listed above offer not only aesthetic appeal but also are a natural deterrent for pesky javelinas.
By incorporating these hardy plants into your landscaping, you can enjoy a thriving backyard without the constant worry of wildlife damage. Contact Wildflower Desert Design for a free consultation for javelina-proof backyard design. If you can dream it, we can design it!